Sunday, March 30, 2008

It's all good

This Morning I am grateful for:

Sunday morning with time to drink coffee and read the paper before everyone else gets up.

Amy and her kids. They are just great kids. She's OK too? :-)

The Ceili at Sam's new school. I had no idea what it was going to be. The food and the band were really good.

Taylor for driving from Lansing to go with us.

Getting really excited about my upcoming training and what I will learn there. Following the intuition I had when I saw the notice that there would be answers there for me, personally and professionally.

The possibility that Lisa and Jason might buy a house

The possibility that Scott and I might buy a condo in WA

My niece moving to Chicago which will allow me to see her so much more often

Starting a new healthy eating and exercise program tomorrow morning that will help me feel healthier and drop a few pounds. Faith in myself to stay on the plan.

The knowing that I have a wonderful life filled with peace of mind, abundance and true friendships.